Environmental Assessment

Morrinton Quarry

We are in the process of carrying out an environmental impact assessment of the proposals, using internal designers but also a considerable number of external experts including landscape architects, ecologists, noise and dust consultants, archaeologists, and specialist in the water environment.

Some work was carried out AT an early stage to inform the quarry design. This included ecological studies on habitats and species (which are ongoing) and some landscape and visual work. This work assessed potential viewpoints and key landscape features which helped define a boundary that would minimise the visual impact on those living close to the quarry and not break the skyline.

Plan showing preliminary landscape constraints which have informed the draft design


We understand that the people living closest to the quarry will want to know how the proposals will affect them.

The extended area will not be any closer to any existing residences and generally slightly further away. The elevation or height of working will also be at the same existing levels.

Experts are however, carrying out updates and forecasts on noise, dust, and vibration. Being slightly further away and because no increase in intensity is proposed, initial results all appear to be very comfortably within best practice limits, a full report will be submitted with any planning application. If however, you have any experience or issues please let us know.


We do not believe that any nearby homes will have a direct view of the proposed new quarrying areas, but there are roads, paths, and other points where you will be able to see it.

Landscape architects have used computer modeling to check this, and find key points for photographs, some of which can be seen below. The best views of the quarry will be from the other side of the valley and the South East, but intervening trees will act to filter and hide the site.

Digital modelling of potential views ignoring ground cover

Photo view point from near Craigloft Wood

Photo view point from near Craigloft Wood